We offer wide selections for your concerns: wrinkles, acne, veins, hemangiom,fibroma, warts, pigment, red spots, scars, depilation, epilation, cellulite,lipo, tatoo, permanent Make - Up, piercing


Visit us and enjoy our services



Dont know which service is the most relevant?

Have a consultation free of charge. Book on  +420602371217

Lipo laser

Are you 18? Come in and don't be shy!

Aynplowl 18/11/2022
Welcome to the world of adult Dating

Are you 18? Come in and don't be shy! 21/01/2022
Welcome to the world of adult Dating


Ciara Barden-Margetts 14/10/2021
Good Afternoon - can you please confirm the prices to have electrolysis done and your current availability of appointments.
Thank you


Jessica L 23/05/2019
I would like to get my ears pierced. just the basic piercing. I was wondering how much it would cost

thanks, Jessie

New comment


15/08/2012 23:25
Jak jste na tom s vaší váhou zjistíte zde Kalkulačka tělesného tuku.
15/08/2012 22:53
Dodržujte pitný režim! Doporučené množství je 30 ml na 1 kg váhy člověka. Z toho 2/3 tekutin během dopoledne. Nejlepší je čistá neperlivá voda. Alkohol, černý čaj a káva do pitného režimu nepatří!¨ Dodržujte doporučený denní příjem energie. (1 200 – 2 400kcal : dospělí muži, 1800 – 2 200kcal:...


Centrum estetické kosmetiky Ostrovského 3 (1.patro)
Praha 5
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